Hiro Protagonist

This is the interactive section of Hiro Protagonist.



Know Your Onion!

How the Hell did I know about a diet fad from Horace "The Great Masticator" Fletcher, a guy responsible for a craze of eating food by chewing ot 32 times, including liquids? I didn't realize that he became a millionaire with an eventual palazio in Venice.

I also knew that graham crackers were suppose to reduce carnal urges. I did not know that the some guy that created it also thought that ketchup and mustard induced insanity or that most modern "graham crackers" are instead made mostly of the refined, bleached white flour to which the Rev. Graham was implacably opposed. At least so says the wikipedia.

On the other hand, I was also dead wrong about Fugue being a German word. I should have known better : [Origin: 1590–1600; < F < It fuga < L: flight]
posted by Hiro  # 11:44 PM 0 comments


Weather in Minneapolis today was listed as the worst in the country. wow.
posted by Unknown  # 9:18 PM 0 comments


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