Hiro Protagonist

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I found these while cleaning out an old box of papers.

Misc notes from a day in the campus library back in 91.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Attorney General Bonaparte -------> Grandnephew fo Napoleon I

July 1st, month after 60th Congress adjorned, FBI was formed. Congress forbid, by law, the Justice Department from "borrowing/hiring" Secret Service detectives.

"But sometimes through the accidental breaking of such [a] package the contents are exposed" --President T.Rosevelt.
(On the FBI using illegal activities to learn info on congressmen. 1935. with such an explanation he published the private correspondence of Sen Tillman of SC, who had been in Fiery opposition to President T. Rosevelt's administration.)

"...He who is charged with the execution of the law, even in a humble capacity, should set an example of law obedience to all."
- Congressman Smith of IOowa fo the Sixtieth Congress

Another slip of paper, more recent, from the box:
"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are not even capabale of forming such opinions."
--Albert Einstein, "Ideas and Opinions"

"The End cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means are employed to determine the nature of the means produced."
--Aldous Huxley, "Ends and Means"
posted by Hiro  # 9:14 PM
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