Hiro Protagonist

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odds and ends:

Psychology Today:
July 1975 dr Elizabeth Hall
"The Sufi tradition: some gurus are frankly phonies , and they don't try to hide it from me, they think I am one too."

Pre-flood, Genesis 1:24, Man is given all the plants to eat as meat. Chapter 9, post flood, Man is given animals to eat. The caveat is that thre is now emmity between animals and man

Paul Revere- Binary Code:
1 if by land
2 if by sea

"Only the state can know which liberties are to be left to he individual and which are too important to be entrusted to anything but the state."
- Mussolini

"I have a right to take any measure which may best subdue the enemy; nor do I urge objections of a moral nature, in view of possible consequences of insurrection and massacre of the South."
- Abraham Lincoln

US Supreme Court: "Prize Cases" (EDc 1862) : "[Congress] cannot declare war against a State or any number of States by virtue of any clause in the Constitution . . . [The President] has no power to initiate or declare war against a foriegn or a domestic State. . . "

Franz Grillparzer - Austrian writer - prophesied that hummanity would be carried, by means of nationality, all the way to bestiality; an accute prognosis that would be fulfilled in Nazism, in the ideology of biological purity as he only politcal value

Garibaldi - ?

Pre-Socratic (?) Greeks:


posted by Hiro  # 11:35 PM
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