Hiro Protagonist

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I Qumran 19
Book of Enoch

Cathari - involvment in Crusades
Knights tempplar lead to 1. Rosecrucians 2. free masons

Ralph Waldo Emmerson:
1. "History"
2. "Self-reliance"
3. "Nature"

Places to visit in Concord: Orchid House, hawthorne's house, Walden pond, etc.

Coleridge describes 4 kids of readers:
1. Sponge- in one ear out another.
2. Jelly bag - keeps only the refuse
3. Golconda - picks out only the best
4. Hour glass -

During WWII's Nazi occupation of Denmark the king of the Danes wore a star of David when the Nazi's proposed singling out Jews. All other Danes followed example of their king & it became ineffective in Denmark.. King stated jhe was ionfluenced by Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience.'
posted by Hiro  # 9:39 PM
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