Hiro Protagonist

This is the interactive section of Hiro Protagonist.


Alone I lay in bed
Tortured by the waste of my false trust
Accepting the despise'd truth
Haunted by the past and frightened by the future

Conscious of the terror that overwhelms my soul's spirit
I rise and watch the enormous dragon engulf the fiery sun.

The great serpent, diseased by the burning orb,
Crumbles in a final dying fight.
Passionate, sultry hues color the heavens and exault the dance.

A single candle flickers its bleak light in the center of the chamber
Shadows masquerade about the desolate room.

I feel my life slipping away.
My spirit succumbs to the pain and distress
As I stare at the insignificant fire.

Slowly... before me I notice celestial mists swirl about my feet,
Rise around me,
And take form.

You radiate with friendship so close yet miles away
Many times we've talked, agrued, laughed-- only to grow closer
Many times we've drifted apart only to come back together-- stronger
You challenge my mind and pull at my heart

My life sems more beautiful now, with this friendship

(from "Quintessence II")
posted by Hiro  # 2:07 AM
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