dreen - drain tase - taste
air - are vittles - vittles
sho - sure fraish - fresh
agin - again lif - lift
stidder - in stead of fo' - four
fer - for aigs - eggs
aint - isn't kilt - killed
po' - poor drap - drop
houn' - hound okry - okra
dawg - dog 'taters - potatoes
er - of cawn - corn
em - them sarvin - serving
'stonishin - astonishing fergit - forget
mawnin - morning tother - the other
kiver - cover sich - such
keerful - careful whupped - whipped
git - get holpin' - helping
bile - boil younguns - little ones
stiddy - steady som'ers - somewhere
kin - can poke - sack
jes - just
yo' - your Take time to understand us.
mus' - must You will like it!
ter - to
Expressions You Might Hear in the Mountains
I dogged if I know I don't know
Aw shucks Really
He come back He come back
They git sheda Get rid of
Chock full Filled up
Stone col' Ice cold
Pretty nigh Almost
If you have a min If you like
Yer innards Your stomach
Lef ter yer gumption left to your judgement
Go fetch it Go get it
Too yer whistle Talk too much
This here's fittin Really good
Mess or batch Good amount
Tote the grub Carry the food
Moonshining Making corn liquor
Rite smart Quite a bit
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